The Scariest Feeling Ever!!!

Once upon a time, I was sitting in my chair and I wondered… How cool would it be to be to on the moon and experience a moon phase right in front of you like a new moon or full more! Also experience a waxing or a waning moon phase while your on the moon. I think I might take me a trip to the moon(Imagination takes me there).” Aw where am I? ” I said. Then all of a sudden I become to get very smart. I start to know how low tides and hide tides are caused and I’m tripping out at the same time cause I’m standing on the moon with a breathing tank and my pajamas and my huge dog Harley! Then I just start learning more stuff each minute like what Spring tides and Neap tides are and all I could do was fall down and grab and hold my dog tight because of how scared I am. I stand up and I look in the sky and see earth and more moons and our sun and more stars and I don’t know what to say or do. Then I see our sun have a sudden explosion on its surface and then all of a sudden it pops up in my head what it is called(Solar Flares). Also while I’m looking at the sun a Nebula floats by and I’ve never seen or heard of anything called that before it just popped up in my head like my teacher just taught it to me. While I’m sitting there it dawned on me that I could see a better view of the Milky Way Galaxy. Then it starts hitting on me maybe I’m asleep or maybe I’m imagining it then I twitch and I’m back in my chair with my big dog beside me. Thank god I wasn’t really on the moon!

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